Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sometimes I dream

about those girls all dressed up in magazines and on tv that look...just perfect.  Their hair is perfect.  Their complexion is perfect.  Their outfit has been crafted from sheer genius.

Sometimes I just want to look like them.  I have seen women who can sometimes pull this off.  I also know they put a lot, a lot, of time into making themselves look like that.  Something I am rarely ever willing to do.  But I do still dream sometimes.

That my hair looked like this...

ahhhh...the perfect side braid

 I know she is a cartoon, but I am seriously jealous of her red locks!
 And if I could pull off this look. I would do it EVERY DAY!

I also wish my clothes could come together like this...

 ...or I could be this cute.  (love her boots)


But really they are just dreams. :)



  1. I look at that, and I'm like, yeah that looks great, but it wouldn't even work in real life. Why would I spend so much time on my hair to get that perfect braid, when I have tiny fingers that always want to be touching my hair? Seriously, my hair is like a drug to them, and who am I to try and keep it all knotted up in a braid? So when I do braid it, I do it quick so I don't care if it gets messed. Cuz, it will. Same with the outfit - I mean, the bodily fluids that I carry around on my clothes all day, it would be a shame to get that all over such nice clothes. And the shoes! Can you imagine carrying a baby in those shoes!! Now, I know. I know you are in a totally different place in life than me, but you can still agree that some of that just isn't... real. Right? Yeah you do. DREAMS you said. Dreams.

    BESIDES you know you look good anyway. It's that natural beauty thing you've been blessed with. Rock it.

  2. I want all my clothes to feel like I'm wearing pajamas but look like I'm not wearing pajamas. It takes dedication, but it makes saying no to clothing items easier. If it doesn't pass the pajama test, I don't buy it. I have yet to find a pair of jeans that pass this test. I do find that dress slacks can attain this feeling, the trick is the shoes. I have to hem a lot of pants because of this, so that I can wear the pants with flats.

    1. I thought you were all learning about fashion and going after the look these days, Nicole? I was totally inspired by you!! Have you heard about the pajama pants? I don't know much about them, but I remember hearing a lot about them last Christmas...
