Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hello! And welcome to our blog!

I'm Alison!
I am 28 years old, Mormon, fat, and single.  That combination is almost like a death sentence to my love life, but I have managed to survive.  And still find love every now and then.  I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which seems to control my life a lot.  Being overweight sucks to say the least.  Not that I cant do anything about it.  It is certainly in my control but I would say that losing weight and sticking on a weight loss plan is harder for me than probably most.  It can be confusing, and frustrating, and a seemingly never ending battle.  But that is why I am here, right? To share my journey, provide a little accountability for myself, and hopefully help others along the way.  I have so much life to still live and so much awesomeness to put out there in the world.  Get excited!

And I'm Alex.  I am 23 years old and absolutely love life.  I am super weird and awkward, as most describe me.  But I like to think I am just cool and hilarious.  My whole life has been a crazy up and down rollercoaster ride full of laughs and tears.  I am obsessed with fashion and music and theatre... and food (which has only recently become a problem).  My food obsession is now making my fashion obsession cry; due to the fact that I can only wear certain attire to cover up my "tire".  I am now on the road to being a better me.  The best me.  I want to be healthy and fit!  Skinny would be a great side affect, but my goal is to live a better lifestyle that gives me the freedom to express who I am on the inside.

We would love to hear your comments and thoughts on our posts.  And hopefully we don't get too boring.

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